Step out of your comfort zone. Make a change
When we are young, life is very simple. There are fewer rules and less rigidity governing our every moment and every action. We are focussed on exploring the world around, expanding our boundaries and having a good time while doing so.
As we grow up, this changes. We get mired in the rules and expectations of society around us. Slowly but surely we learn to curb our natural instincts and shape ourselves to fit the world around rather than the opposite. If by chance we challenge accepted ways of behaviour and wisdom we are immediately tagged and looked upon as crazy, someone who does not fit the norm. The fear of being singled out quickly kills any spontaneity and exuberance for life.
But isn’t this is the worst thing we do to ourselves under the pretext of ‘Growing Up’? Why does growing up have to mean a life of conformity and negativity? A life devoid of following our natural instinct or challenging authority? Can we think of a life in which we are truly happy and living in and for the moment, instead of chasing after a nebulous future that will bring us happiness? What if we nurture the child in us, rather than forcing it to grow up into a jaded soul?
Still wondering why this could be the most important question you can ask yourself? For starters, if you always live within normal boundaries, you will most likely live a normal ordinary life. Only when you challenge the boundaries, when you think out of the box, when you dare to be and do different that you get a shot at something extraordinary.
If you let in a little craziness in your life, if you allow yourself to diverge from the rules every once in awhile, you will discover that life offers a lot of opportunities. There is no mood enhancer as effective as bringing a little crazy in your life. After all, can you be sad or stressed when you are laughing your guts out at something?
People who enjoy being a little crazy are usually full of energy and zest for life. They are not wary of working towards audacious goals and therefore are more likely to fulfill them. They can discover hidden creative depths as they bend and change the rules. And they are positive people to be around who spread cheer everywhere they go.
Ultimately, they are able to stay happy more often than not. And isn’t that what life is about at the end of the day?
So don’t hesitate. Go on. Let in a little crazy into your life!