

Keep Your Word

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Keeping your word might read like 3 simple words, but we all know and have experienced from time to time how complex and difficult they can be. How many of us have, at various moments, either gone back on things we have said, or used a lie (white or otherwise) to bail ourselves out of a situation? While at the time such tactics may seem a lifesaver, they are actually very harmful. They slowly corrode not only others, but our own faith in ourselves.

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Always Think Remarkable

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Whenever we meet someone, we usually ask how they are doing, or we get asked the question ourselves. The most common response is fine or alright, or sometimes good or not so good. Now imagine you ask someone ‘how are you?’ and they answer something other than the staid old fine, say something like amazing. Wouldn’t that throw you for a loop? How wonderful would it be and what a positive impact it would immediately have on the atmosphere!

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Helping Others to Help Yourself

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An article published in the Times of India in January 2017 reported a study that claimed helping others actually added years to your own life. It said “ A 20-year-long study of survival data for more than 500 people aged 70-103 years that has recently been published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior found that people who occasionally watched and cared for others lived longer than people who didn’t.” and that “The researchers believe positive emotions experienced from helping others may combat the negative effects of emotions like stress.”

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Community Story called FAITH

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Community Story from the Possi Founders – Norm Dominguez and Keith Dyer


As the days became weeks, the weeks turned into months and the months to years, positivity conversations about freedom, attitude, imagination, trust and hope became common to our journey.  Each of these words would weave their way into the Possi Global Mission, to provide and promote platforms and prompts that create awareness and give Publicity to Positivity, conversation at one point or another over time.  Yet, alone have a tremendous impact in bonding the Possi community.  Thus giving each word attention with the beginning of a movement that will unite people around the world.

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Accepting Responsibility Leads to Joy, Peace and Positivity

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Dale Carnegie said, “It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” His message was simple. The path to a peaceful, joyful and positive life begins when we accept responsibility for our thoughts. And, although we cannot control the people and situations around us, we can learn to catch and change our thoughts, and therefore our reactions to them. It is our thoughts that create our reactions and this determines whether our lives are peaceful or stressful.

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Show that You Care

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In today’s fast paced world we are increasingly becoming prisoners of our own lives, constantly caught up in the basics of survival. At the same time technology, while having brought the world closer at one level, has also put people in their own cells with people sitting in the same room sometimes not interacting for hours as they sit glued to their devices. In such a scenario, how do we touch base with our humanity and rebuild strong and solid connections with other people in our life and community? Sometimes simple acts that show that you care can work miracles.

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